Our Mission

To advance education, lessen neighborhood tensions, and combat community deterioration by supporting youth athletes. 

This includes but is not limited to: 1.) providing grants to youth athletes to advance personal and professional development as well as cultivate a community of compassion, kindness, and service; 2.) mentoring youth athletes to provide them with tools, self-confidence, and support networks; and 3.) creating a kind and healthy community by providing resources to organizations that promote compassion, kindness, and nondiscriminatory acceptance within the community.


Goal One

Create Awareness

By creating initiatives that are driven by kindness, we become an organization that exemplifies the power of good deeds. More specifically, we hope to be a light to the next generation who will become leaders of tomorrow. Understanding the needs of young athletes, which play a role in their development and relation to kindness in today’s society, we are able to bridge the gap and create lasting impressions with the youth

Furthermore, creating awareness that education has multiple components which include academia, social interactions, self regulation and community building.


Goal Two

Provide Support Systems

In order to Increase the understanding of similarities and differences of the youth environments today and in the past, we hope to create paths of communication for the young athletes.

By understanding culture in schools, athletics and community events - we are able to identify what is acceptable behavior and how to manage expectations and interactions. 


Goal Three

Create Opportunities 

We will provide research and educational opportunities on social interactions, personal development and fueling passion projects that turn into lucrative businesses.

Ultimately, the goal is to provide support, education and grants to advance professional goals in the arts, education and entreprenuial world. 


Through education and programming we aim to lessen the burden of the government; strengthen neighborhood relationships; eliminate prejudicial discrimination; and combat community deterioration.

We understand that no one is perfect but we believe in conscious efforts towards becoming your best self. All acts of kindness are noticed - the positive benefits are real - And it feels good to spread love!